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TULUM eats Mag is a Tulum based magazine and website, both in English only, that covers Playa del Carmen, local food and drink culture, restaurants, ethnic eats, culture, people, hotels, food-related events and articles on things like ‘New & Noteworthy’, ‘Places to Be and Be Seen’, ‘The Lusher’ (best happy hour), and more. The magazine also hosts regular events such as Pop Dinners and The Mezcal & Vitamin T Festival, as well as short videos and interviews called ‘The Eating Nomad’.

The magazine is published 12 times a year and available online, through subscription or for free at Hotels, Restaurants, Condos, Residences such as Tao, Tourist Agencies, Spas, Cafes, Vacation Rentals, and Airport. Tulum eats Mag is part of the TEMedia network, will have subscribers globally, and distributed in several US locations, including Barnes & Nobles & Starbucks. In 2020, there will be sister publications in 2 other Mexico states.

The first issue of the magazine will have distribution value of 1000 in Tulum, and 2000 in Playa. The 2nd Issue, out by December, will have distribution value of 6000 between Tulum & Playa, with a growing audience of 40,000, by issue 4.


Online viewership & subscription memberships are expected to hit 500k worldwide by issue 3.

The demographics include the age range from 18 to 75, targeting travelers, Expats, locals, snowbirds, culture vultures and foodies.

For our VIP advertisers, they will receive preferential advertising space before any other advertisers!


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Tulum Eats Magazine is published 12 times a year, unless we decide to go on prolonged vacations. You can find the print magazine at select locations throughout the Riviera Maya, and in some East Coast establishments, where we will randomly place, during selective times. The website will be updated monthly, with selected materials that may or may not be the same as the print version. Look for us soon, in other states of Mexico.










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